Computer Networks Laboratory
The laboratory is being modernized in 2013 with new networking equipment, a donation from Reichle & De-Massari, one of the leading leaders in passive networking equipment. In addition to computers, the lab is provided with Cisco routers and network equipment. It is designed for research and training of students in computer network and network communications disciplines, as well as the Cisco Systems Academic Program, conducted by Cisco Academy at TU-Varna.
Linux Laboratory
It was equipped with computers, routers and network equipment on projects with the Intergovernmental Agency on Francophonie N / Ref: PS / INTIF / fr / 20011112-050). The equipment was upgraded in 2010 and 2014 with modern computers, VLAN switches and Cisco routers. Based on virtualization platforms, it is the only “Virtual Network Lab” built in Bulgaria. The lab is designed for research and training in the field of network administration, distributed programming and the Cisco Systems Academic Program. The laboratory is a center for coordinating and presenting various activities related to free software based on the Linux operating system.
Sun Microsystems Laboratory
The lab is equipped with a powerful multiprocessor server machine with VMware virtual infrastructure and X-terminals, donated by Sun Microsystems. It is used for research and training in operating systems, system programming, compilers and interpreters.
Microcontrollers Laboratory
The lab is equipped by Jonson Controls with computers, microcontroller modules and a variety of control units. The laboratory conducts research and classes on computer peripherals, specialized computer systems and microcontroller.
Virtual Infrastructures and Mobility Laboratory
The lab is equipped by Hewlett Packard with 22 tablet PCs, mobile networking devices and multifunction office machines. The equipment was awarded as a prize for a winning project sponsored by Hewlett Packard under their World Innovation Program in Education. The lab conducts research on virtual infrastructure creation and the organization of virtual laboratories allowing remote access via mobile communications.
FPGA Laboratory
The laboratory was built in 2013 with a donation from ASIC Depot (now a part of Broadcom). The laboratory has hardware and software modules for design and simulation based on FPGA and Verilog technologies.
Vibration Control and Diagnosis of Machinery and Structures Laboratory

SPL “VDMS” offers solution to the following research and development and engineering tasks for the design and operation of machinery and equipment:
- > Static and dynamic linear and nonlinear structure analysis using the finite elements method: determining the static stress and deformation response of structures due to the effect of external forces, kinematic displacements, thermal loads; determining the natural frequencies and vibratory forms of structures; determining the dynamic stress and deformation response of structures due to the effect of time-varying forces, kinematic displacements and earthquakes; determining the temperature fields in structures; determining the load capacity of structures using the method of linear summation of damage to materials caused by fatigue; optimization of structures.
- > Experimental study of static and dynamic behavior of machinery and equipment, as well as noise radiated during operation: vibration measurement of machinery, piping and equipment; modal analysis of structures; static and dynamic strain gauge measurement; accelerated resource tests of elements of structures; measurement of noise.
- > Vibration control and diagnostics: periodic vibration control of machinery and equipment; technical diagnostics of machinery and equipment; identification of parameters of machinery and equipment; development of standards for permissible levels of vibration of pipelines and facilities; balancing of rotor machinery in their own supports; strained mounting of shaft lines.
- > Development of technical solutions to improve vibration state of machinery and equipment and ensure their reliable operation
- > Development of technical solutions to reduce noise levels in accommodation and service premises of ships and marine facilities
- > Assessment of the current technical condition and remaining resource of machinery, pressure vessels, apparatus and piping
- > Design and development of methods and means of reducing vibrations of pipelines and structures
- > Assessment of the environmental impact in relation to vibration and noise

Diagnosis and repair of: automotive cylinder heads (hydraulic leak test; removal of deformations and cracks; correction and replacement of valve seats, grinding of connecting surfaces, etc.), export parts and assemblies (bearings, slotted joints, cylindrical surfaces, camshafts, etc.).Mechanical and thermal technologies: design and manufacture of spare parts; welding and imaging of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys; volume and surface heat treatment.
Power Systems Laboratory
The team consists of six members –professor Dr.Sc., two assoc. professors, chief assistant, assistant and a PhD student. The main fields of competence of the team are: Calculation and analysis of: steady states (voltage levels; advisable tap positions of network transformers; power and energy loss in transmission and distribution networks; advisable reactive power compensation); emergency states (short circuits;interruption of phase lines; complex complex types of faults, including in wind and photovoltaic powerplants);optimal settings of AVR and PSS; small-signal stability of electric power systems; transient stability of electric power systems; robust stability of electric power systems; Preproject study and design of: underground and overhead lines up to 400 kV; transformer substations up to 400 kV; Design of specialized software in the field of electric power engineering; Consultations and trainings in the field of electric power engineering.
Some of the more important projects the team has worked on are:
- > Improvement of the frequency control of the Turkish Electric Power System for synchronous operation with UCTE –contractorESO EAD
- > Analysis of the small-signal stability of the new and old part of NPP „Kozloduy” – contractorNPP „Kozloduy”
- > Analysis of the power system stabilizers PSS-2A in AES-3C Maritza Iztok 1 EOOD power plant by a detailed mathematical model and proposal of new settings which will damp better the electromechanical oscillations in the generators – contractorAES-3C Maritza Iztok 1 EOOD
- > Development of scientific methodology and software tool for determination of the appropriate settings of Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR) and Power System Stabilizers (PSS), installed in Bulgarian power plants – contractor NEK EAD
- > Functionality extension of the software tool NASAVR for calculation of the parameters of AVR and PSS – contractor NEK EAD
- > Training of dispatchers from the National and the Territorial Dispatching Centers on the subject „Modern methods for modeling and analysis of electrical power systems transient processes in MATLAB environment“ – contractor ESO EAD
- > Representation of wind farm „Sveti Nikola”as equivalent synchronous generator for the purposes of calculation of short circuits – contractor AES GeoEnergy EOOD
- > Representation of wind farm „Vetrokom”as equivalent synchronous generator for the purposes of calculation of short circuits
- > Representation of PV farm „Samovodene”as equivalent synchronous generator for the purposes of calculation of short circuits
- > Analysis of the operating states of the 110 kV network, owned by Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD, and of the supplying generators under conditions of compensation of reactive power – contractor Mini Maritza Iztok EAD
- > Study and analysis of the problem with increased reactive power of TRLK Vyrbitza after the change of the commercial metering point and proposition of measures for overcoming the problem – contractor Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority
- > Analysis of the conditions for automatic power supply backup of substation 223 – contractor Neftohim AD
- > Analysis of the MV distribution network of NEK EAD, Dobrich region – contractor NEK EAD
- > Forecasting and planning of electricity losses in low voltage distribution networks – contractor Energoproekt
- > Temporary scheme for power supply of the consumers “Airport Radar”, “Condition Main Hall”, “Main Control Room” and “Boilers” from 20 kV network and diesel-generator C 1250 – contractor Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority
- > Calculation of the overvoltage levels and currents for short circuits to ground in substations „Staro Orqhovo” and „Dolen Chiflik” – contractor NEK EAD
- > Calculations of short circuits to ground in cable MV distribution network in substation “Shumen-1” and consultations on the methodology of calculation – contractor NEK EAD
- > Preparation of expert assessment the state and allowable operating conditions of diesel-generator C 1250 – contractor Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority
- > Software for automated design of the mechanical part of 20 kV overhead lines – contractor NEK EAD
- > Design of transformer substation 20/6/0,4 kV for emergency water supply from artificial lake “Conevo” of Varna city and region – contractor ViK OOD
- > Design of the electrical part of the project “Expansion – new production buildings in УПИ III-“Dekaba”, кв.14, 26-ти МР, Varna” – contractor Mauer Locking Systems OOD
- > Installation for grinding of coal and petroleum coke in plant “Vulkan” – contractorET Simenoni
Bureau for Engineering and Consultancy Laboratory
- > Design:
- >> Technological machines and production facilities in the field of mechanical engineering;
- >> Technological gadgets and tooling;
- > Computer simulations and engineering analyses including:
- >> kinematic and dynamic analysis of machines and equipment;
- >> strength analysis;
- >> buckling analysis;
- >> time-frequency analysis;
- >> fatigue analysis;
- > Consultancy:
- >> Implementation and development of Statistical Quality Control Systems:
- >> Statistical estimates of process capability;
- >> Implementing Statistical Process Control in industry;
- >> FMEA implementation in industry;
- > Training in CAD & CAE:
- >> Technical drafting with AutoCAD;
- >> Product Design with Autodesk Inventor Professional;
Qualification: We have excellent experience and knowledge of our experts (Leading consultants), combined with the ambition of the Junior Associates, as well as their willingness to absorb specific knowledge in the field of computer design and the application of new methods and approaches in the implementation of the projects. Our leading consultants possess an academic experience and in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of basic methods and approaches used for CAD CAM systems, and FEA.
Shipbuilding and marine equipment Laboratory
Theoretical and experimental research related to the design, modernization and operation of ships and marine equipment:
- >Determination of resistance to movement of the ship; Design of propellers;
- >Adjusting the geometry of the propeller to bring it in line with the condition of the housing and the main engine;
- >Experimental determination of the application of the center of mass of the ship by the method of rolling;
- >Design of new types of structural elements of ship systems and systems of marine equipment;
- >Performing hydraulic calculations of ship systems;
- >Design of ship devices.

Material Science and Technologies Laboratory
Research work is directed to:
- >Synthesize and study of metals and alloys in the foundry area;
- >Investigation of the methods for cast parts production;
- >Investigation of metals and alloys heat treatment;
- >Investigation of metals and alloys microstructures and properties.
Applied work is directed to:
- >Elaboration of the technological methods for cast parts production;
- >Technology elaboration and production of cast parts by no alloyed and alloyed steels and cast irons, aluminium alloys, cupper alloys and so on;
- >Technology elaboration and production of parts by cast irons with different graphite shape (laminar, spherical, vermicular) and different metal base (ferritic, pearlitic, martensitic, bainitic);
- >Technology elaboration and realization of heat treatment;
- >Microstructure, phase state and properties of the metals and alloys estimation;
- >Expert opinions in the cases of materials changes, production quality, failure destruction reasons.
Technology estimation and parts production include: design and realization of the cast equipment, castings realization, mechanical treatment, heat treatment, dimension control, microstructure control, mechanical properties control, specific properties control.

Unconventional Technologies for Surface Heat Treatment Laboratory
- Surface induction quenching of axes, shafts and gears with dimensions: diameter up to 400 mm, length up to 2500 mm and weight up to 250 kg.
- Gas flame surface hardening in deep of wheal and gear-wheel with diameters up to 1200 mm and height up to 400 mm.
Available equipment:
- universal installation for surface high-frequency quenching with machine generator – 100 kW, 8kHz
- universal installation for gas flame surface hardening with working gas of propane-butane (CH4) and oxygen
Automation systems Laboratory
Design, implementation and maintenance of:
- > Automation systems for various industries;
- > Building automation;
- > Remote cost accounting systems;
- > Design and construction of systems for optimizing energy costs;
- > Design and construction of external and internal electrical installations;
- > Design and construction of information systems;
- > Design and construction of security systems (security, video surveillance, fire alarm).
We work with controllers and other equipment of the following companies:
Special Electrical Machines and Apparatus Laboratory
Design and introduction in production:
- > Frictional coupling with electromagnet control;
- > DC and AC motors with brakes, tachogenerators and position pick-up;
- > Actuating motors controllers;
- > Control systems of electrical motor drive;
- > Generators, Transformers, Converters.
Diagnostics and repair:
- > Vessel, aviation and car electrical equipment;
- > High-revolutions comutator electrical motors;
- > Special electrical apparatus and control systems.
Learning laboratory “Plastic Deformation”
Laboratory “Plastic deformation” service disciplines, “Metals Forming“, “Technology, machines and equipment for plastic deformation”, “Technology of finishing forming” and more. Equipped with machines for plastic deformation – crank presses, hydraulic press, lab rolling Mill, teristor converter to heat rounder “strength – pressure – bending“ test materials ventricular electrical resistance furnaces, forces furnace, hot hydro-extrusion and hydro-plastic processing.The laboratory design and carry out scientific – research related to manufacturing problems in the volume and sheet stamping, thermo processing, hydro-extrusion and hydro-plastic deformation, leadership of students and graduates.
SPL “Casting Equipment and Technology”
The laboratory has facilities, systems and equipment for the education process in the following subjects:
> Technology of Casting Production (TCP)Casting Production Processes (CPP)
> Materials Technology (MT)
> Manufacturing Technology (MT) – for Engineering Design
> Art Casting (AC) – for Engineering Design
The laboratory is focused on the following areas:
> methods and techniques for obtaining and complicated relief walled castings of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys development of new and improvement of existing
> methods and technology for molding and casting
> Obtain accurate casting nonferrous alloys
> Develop technologies and obtain details high iron collars, alloy iron, wear-resistant special steel
> Expertise of metallic materials making metal art sculptures
SPL “Thermal and repair-restoration technologies”
Areas of research and development (R&D) activities:
- > Treatment of materials with concentrated energy flows, study of the structure and properties of engineering materials after influence with a laser, plasma, electron beam;
- > Creating and testing the cooling capacity of new media for hardening in a thermal cycling effects;
- > Research opportunities for welding of special steels and nonferrous alloys, development of technology for vacuum, gas flame, furnace and induction brazing soft and hard solder;
- > Development of technologies for the complete manufacturing of parts and assemblies of textile machinery, footwear and sewing machines;
- > Development of technologies of strengthening and restoration of operational qualities of details of transport and agricultural machinery;
- > Development of technologies for the complete manufacturing of parts and assemblies of textile machinery, footwear and sewing machines;
- > Developing new designs and technologies for metal products for architectural and interior design;
- > Expert evaluation of operational, technological, situational and structural metalwork solutions in the energy, chemical and petrochemical industry, shipbuilding and transport engineering, construction
Art Casting
Design, modeling and development of artistic castings (metal sculpture) of ferrous alloys.
Laboratory “Mechanical tests”
Laboratory “Mechanical tests” function of the Department and always use is directly related to conducting training process has laboratory equipment that includes:
> Machines for mechanical testing of metals (tensile test, impact fracture test, bending, etc..) with maximum ranges up to 1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 40 t
> Testing machines of twisting metal and metal wire
> Equipment for hardness test – the methods Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell hardness and portable making use of the methods Poldy and Shore
> Machines for testing fatigue
> Electric furnaces with a capacity of 4 kW of heat treatment and laboratory furnaces – 400 W
> Laboratory stands for research hardening steels for rolling and testing abrasion wear in sliding and rolling
> Magnetic and ultrasonic flaw detection devices and cracks
> Metallographic and biological microscopes.
Learning Laboratory Machines and Apparatus for the Chemical Industry
Learning Laboratory is equipped with machines and apparatus systems and stands to pursue studies in the following subjects:
> Facilities in the oil and gas industry;
> Technology of Chemical Engineering;
> Diagnostics and reliability of chemical equipment;
> Technology of repair of chemical equipment.
The teaching is done in the laboratory by:
> Stands on a rotating drum furnace 2 and 4 supports;
> Stand on the machine with mechanical stirring element;
> Stand for determining the thermal and mechanical stresses in the housing apparatus.
Laboratory work is focused on the following areas:
> Reconstruction and repair of chemical equipment
> Non-destructive testing of machines and equipment for the oil and gas industry